Thursday, 5 March 2015

BlackBerry BES Goes Cloud

Until now, BES has been offered solely as an on-premises solution.  With BES12, BlackBerry is developing a Cloud-based version of the device management platform. The updated platform is intended to help the company broaden the enterprise mobility space and provide a less costly offering to entice small and medium sized businesses to its management solution.

Information about BES12 is already available on the company's web site (BES12) and you can also register for updates and sign-up for the Technical Preview for cloud-based solution: BES12 CLOUD. To take part in the Technical Preview, you must agree to participate in PR activities and supply the number of tablets and smartphones in your organization per each supported platform.

The mobile management industry has grown leaps and bounds over the last few years, with Microsoft finally waking to the moment and beginning its own trek into the space with Microsoft Intune. Prior to Microsoft's entry, third party providers filled the gaps along with BlackBerry. It's a crowded space for sure and so far there's no clear leader, despite the gains Microsoft communicates.

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