Monday, 30 March 2015

Basic Script to Generate Disk Space Report from Windows Servers

Nowadays we have many equipped tools to monitor the servers and alert administrators in case of any issues in the servers or applications. These tools normally notify the issues to administrators through email or tickets based on the configuration. To avoid unwanted tickets or emails, most of the administrators would set the thresholds to maximum and that may lead to an outage sometimes. To overcome this, administrators will have a practice to pull (or Automate) an organization health report in daily basis.

This simple PowerShell script helps administrators to pull a disk space report from all their servers and sends email in HTML format. We can set threshold to some better value like 20% and will have some time to troubleshoot in case of an issues. This will not create any spam into your mailbox because we are going to schedule a task to run also we have an option to disable email function and have only the HTML file created.

 Script Block

# Beginning of the Script

# Generate Disk Space Report and send email.
# If you dont want the email function, then it will just generate a html file
# Script will give you a warnings based on the threshold set.
# We can use this script to pull a Disk Space report for all servers.
# We need to give server names as an input file. This is no required for Exchange Servers.
# How to Run the script
# 1. Create Input list with server names and save the file as "Servers.txt"
# 2. If you want to send the report as email, Give $Mail = "True" else give $Mail = "False"
# 3. Move PS1 and input file into same directory and run the script
# Date: 03/26/2015
# Not added any error checking into this script yet.

# Input

#$Servers = Get-ExchangeServer | sort name | %{$}
$Servers = Get-Content C:\Temp\servers.txt
$Mail = "True"

# Threshold

$percentWarning = 20;
$percentCritcal = 10;
$all = 0;

# Inputs for Email

$Subject = "Disk Space Report"
$FromAddress = ""
$ToAddress = ""
$Relay = "SMTP relay server FQDN"
$SMTPClient = New-Object System.Net.Mail.smtpClient
$MailMessage = New-Object System.Net.Mail.MailMessage


#Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Powershell.Admin
#$AdminSessionADSettings.ViewEntireForest = $true

$MailSend = $null
$body = $null
$body += '<!--mce:0-->'
$body += '</head>'
$body += '<body>'
$body += "<p class=`"header`" align='center'><strong>Disk Space Report : " + $(get-date).toshortdatestring() + " @ " + $(get-date).ToshorttimeString()

foreach($Server in $Servers)
    $Disks = Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $Server -Class Win32_Volume -Filter "FileSystem = 'NTFS'" |Sort Driveletter,Capacity | Select DriveLetter,Name,Caption,Label,Capacity,FreeSpace,FileSystem,SystemName
    $Server = $Server.toupper()
    $Serverprint = "Yes"

    foreach($Disk in $Disks)
        $Label = $Disk.Label
        $Name = $Disk.Name
        [float]$Size = $Disk.Capacity;
        [float]$Freespace = $Disk.FreeSpace;
        $PercentFree = [Math]::Round(($Freespace / $Size) * 100, 2);
        $SizeGB = [Math]::Round($Size / 1073741824, 2);
        $FreeSpaceGB = [Math]::Round($Freespace / 1073741824, 2);
        $UsedSpaceGB = [Math]::Round($SizeGB ñ $FreeSpaceGB, 2);
        $DriveLetter = $Disk.Driveletter
        If (($PercentFree -ge $all))
            while ($Serverprint -eq "Yes")
                #Table Header

                $body += '<table width=80% align=center>'
                $body += '<td colspan=7 align=center style="background-color: #DCDCDC" border: 1 ; ><strong><font color= Black>' + $Server.toupper()  + '</font></strong></td></tr>'

                #column Header

                $body += '<tr><td align="Center" style="background-color: #585858" width="13%" border: 1 Groove white;><p class="table" style="color:    white"><b>Drive</b></p></td>'
                $body += '<td align="Center" style="background-color: #585858" width="14%" border: 1 Groove white;><p class="table" style="color:    white"><b>Drive Label</b></p></td>'
                $body += '<td align="Center" style="background-color: #585858" width="16%" border: 1 Groove white;><p class="table" style="color:    white"><b>Total Capacity (GB)</b></p></td>'
                $body += '<td align="Center" style="background-color: #585858" width="16%" border: 1 Groove white;><p class="table" style="color:    white"><b>Used Capacity (GB)</b></p></td>'
                $body += '<td align="Center" style="background-color: #585858" width="14%" border: 1 Groove white;><p class="table" style="color:    white"><b>Free Space (GB)</b></p></td>'
                $body += '<td align="Center" style="background-color: #585858" width="14%" border: 1 Groove white;><p class="table" style="color:    white"><b>Free Space %</b></p></td>'
                $body += '<td align="Center" style="background-color: #585858" width="13%" border: 1 Groove white;><p class="table" style="color:    white"><b>Status</b></p></td></tr>'
                $Serverprint = "No"
            If ($DriveLetter -eq $null)
                $SplitDl = $Name.split("\")
                $DriveLetter = $SplitDl[0]
                $body += '<tr><td align="Center" border: 1 Groove white;>' + $DriveLetter + "</td>"
                $body += '<td align="Center" border: 1 Groove white;>' + $Label + "</td>"
                $body += '<td align="Center" border: 1 Groove white;>' + $SizeGB + "</td>"
                $body += '<td align="Center" border: 1 Groove white;>' + $usedSpaceGB + "</td>"
                $body += '<td align="Center" border: 1 Groove white;>' + $freeSpaceGB + "</td>"
                $body += '<td align="Center" border: 1 Groove white;>' + $percentFree + "</td>"
            If ($percentFree -le $percentCritcal )
                $body += '<td align="Center" border: 1 Groove white; bgcolor="FF6347">' + "Critical" + "</td></tr>"
            elseif (($percentFree -le $percentWarning ) -and ($percentFree -ge $percentCritcal ))
                $body += '<td align="Center" border: 1 Groove white; bgcolor="FFCC66">' + "Warning" + "</td></tr>"
                $body += '<td align="Center" border: 1 Groove white; bgcolor="A3E6AE">' + "Ok" + "</td></tr>"

    $body += '</table><br/>'  
if ($Mail -eq "True")
    $body += "Report Completed"
    $MailMessage.Subject = "$Subject"
    $MailMessage.Body = $body
    $MailMessage.sender = "$FromAddress"
    $MailMessage.From = "$FromAddress"
    $MailMessage.Priority = [System.Net.Mail.MailPriority]::High
    $MailMessage.IsBodyHTML = $True
    $ = "$Relay"
    $Date = get-date
    $FileName = 'Disk_Space_Info'
    $FileName += $Date.year.tostring()
    $FileName += $Date.month.tostring()
    $FileName += $
    $FileName += '.html'
    $body += "Report Completed"   
    set-content $FileName -value $body


# End of the Script

Sample Output

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